Friday, November 9, 2012

Who needs kegals? Try a hurricane!

The last two weeks have been brutal (<- quite possibly the world's largest understatement!). However, I try to take every experience and turn it into a learning experience. This being said, I have discovered the following:

1. I like cereal with milk more than I dislike lactose intolerance.
2. With enough wine and/or vodka, you tend to forget you don't have electricity... and after the third drink in, you act as your own personal heater. Win-win! 
3. Electric companies can be both your worst enemy and your most favorite thing in the world... simultaneously. Kind of like your period (<-any woman reading this will know what I am talking about and any guy reading this just inadvertantly *shuddered*!)
4. I hate hurricanes. Like, really 'hate' in all senses of the word. In fact, I now hate the name "Sandy" too!(sorry to all of my friends named Sandy! You don't mind if I call you something else going forward, right??)

Now, here is what I wish I hadn't learned:

1. Those in the "I-never-lost-my-power-but-can-sit-up-here-on-my-soap-box-and-preach-about-how-you're-overreacting!" population suck. Royally. I imagine these are also the same people that walk by homeless folks on the street and don't bat an eye (while chowing down on their 12" sub all the while their subs overflowing lettuce falls to the floor hitting the aforementioned homeless lad in the head!)
2. People that you rarely hear from suddenly appear and are genuinely concerned for your well-being confirming they are still worth having in your life... that whole "quality over quantity" thing again.
3. A toilet seat can reach sub-zero temperature's when a house is unheated making my bladder control one to be envied. Who says you can't hold your pee after having a kid or two?! Try having a hurricane and see how quickly that changes!

While all this was going on, my family and I were camped out on a mattress in the middle of the living room floor so we could be as close as humanly possibly to the fire place without actually being in it. I will admit I enjoyed the closeness and being able to get some much needed bonding time with the hubby and kidlets, I just wish it had been under different circumstances... and in Fiji! Anyhow, I will be the first to admit I was fortunate and am fully aware I could have had it much, much worse. My heart breaks for those that lost everything, it truly does. The Jersey shore will forever be changed and the destruction to NYC is sickening, it really does put things into perspective and make you count your blessings! I, for one, know that even when I was freezing my giant arse off and cursing JCP&L, I never took for granted the fact that my two beautiful girls were safe and sound and my hubby was by our side through it all! In the grand scheme of things, we really did make out okay... in fact, we made out pretty darn great!

Until later...

Survival Kit 2012

Our bedroom for 9 days!

Our view each evening after the sun went down...

All is right with the world just as long as the Keurig is working!

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