Friday, October 26, 2012

Home is where the crazy is?

It feels every time I turn the news on or pick up a newspaper there is yet another horrendous crime that has taken place. From child abduction, to nannies gone crazy killing the kids they're left to watch, to little girls being murdered for their bike... it really makes me wonder if this world is a safe place for my own children and quite honestly, I am leaning towards no. No, it is not. The thought that I have to be concerned for my children's well-being day in and day out breaks my heart beyond belief and is exhausting.

What has happened over the last twenty years or so that has caused such a corrupt world? Where did we go wrong? Is it the whole nature vs. nurture theory? Can these people be changed or should they all be eliminated altogether (if so, where do I apply to help handle this problem?!)? Is it some sort of greater plan to control population? These are all questions that flood my mind and really make me question humanity as a whole. Just when I am sickened by the thought process these animals (<-and, by no means do I mean to intend to offend the animal community so you can relax now PETA!) must have and how demented they really must be to carry out these disgusting thoughts, I then realize that these barbarians had to be raised somewhere and by someone, right? . How does a parent not notice their child is concocting such an evil plan (eg. Trench Coat mafia!)? Are you that oblivious to it or, and even more sad, do you just not care? I really believe there are far too many parents (<- I use this term very loosely as they most certainly do not deserve to be categorized equally as those that genuinely do parent their child(ren)!) that rely on others to raise their kid(s)  for them. They plop their kids in front of a TV for umpteen hours a day until they are old enough for school and then they send them off to school with zero foundation on morals and expect underpaid teachers to instill these values in them. Once they are no longer in school, they are then tossed into mainstream society and expected to live amongst those that actually had parents that cared about them and taught them right from wrong. It is disgusting and should be stopped.

There should be a mandatory test given to all people that reproduce.. or at the very least a 'Child Rearing: 101' manual for them to read! Any moron can have a kid and, unfortunately, most do! I was a Psych major through college so I get the whole spectrum of psychological disorders that may result in negative behaviors and/or being socially inept. However, I also understand if you pay a half an ounce of attention to your child, you *should* notice that he/she is displaying behaviors that are questionable and may need to be evaluated and then treated accordingly. For example, if Dahmer's parents had noticed that he was spending his spare time tormenting and sacrificing animals, he could have been stopped earlier on and possibly even institutionalized sparing the lives of those he killed. My point is: I am a firm believer that nurture, or lack thereof, has as much, if not more, to do with how a child turns out as an adult.

I am not one to not "practice what I preach" so I will assure you that I reprimand my children when they treat others with any degree of disrespect and/or act inappropriately as their behavior is a direct result of my parenting. No questions asked. When you embarrass yourself, you are embarrassing me and demonstrating an area that I lacked in my parenting skills. I accept full accountability in my children's behavior and you better believe if I catch my kid hurting any other living thing, there will be hell to pay for it. Nowadays, there are far too many parents that are in complete denial or prefer to turn the other cheek to avoid having to actually deal with an issue... these parents need to be penalized for doing so because that little maniac you are "raising" has to share this world with my kid and I actually care about my kids.

Overall, there is something clearly wrong with these people that end up doing such disturbing things, that is a given. The problem is these adults were once children who never received the mental help/support/treatment they needed and it escalated into something much more sinister. All I can say is, I consider myself pretty "normal" (<-whatever that really means anyways..) but if something were to happen to my children because of someone else sucking as a parent, I can promise you I will make Dahmner look like a saint as I will go buck arse crazy on the culprit that harmed my child. You know why? That is how I was raised.  ;-)

Until later...

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