Friday, October 12, 2012


After watching a good portion of the VP debate last night, I am thoroughly convinced I NEED to run for president next time around... well, that and that Biden's dentist needs to questioned as to what the h*ll he was thinking by letting that poor man leave his office with those crazy chompers! I couldn't help but laugh every time he opened his mouth... anyhow, I shall digress..
Do I remind you of anyone?

So, the family and I have decided to get a cat (and by "the family" I mean "me") and I have been doing some research on the best breed to get (I know, I know..."save a life and get a rescue"..blah blah blah) and we (aka "I") have narrowed it down to a Savannah cat. They are the most dog-like in personality minus all the annoying doggie habits... I get to have my cake and eat it too! I contacted what appeared to be a legitimate breeder (from Uganda that only required my social security number and for me to wire him some emergency funds to help his poor uncle escape from jail over there...what harm is there in that??) and he and I went back and forth until I started noticing 'red flags' (eg. his spelling became increasingly sloppy <- and not "drunk sloppy like mine becomes after one too many drinks" but like "stupid sloppy", he insisted on sending funds to hold the kitten via Money Gram not PayPal, etc.). Ultimately, I called his bluff. In fact, I threatened to report his arse to the FBI for being such a d-bag! I was so mad.

Overall, it isn't a huge deal I suppose as I didn't disclose any personal info that would jeopardize my identity and/or personal accounts. However, it really bothered me that there are such jerks out there that waste their time by doing this and take advantage of the vulnerable, less skeptical portion of the population. My solution to this you ask? Well, I plan to upgrade my Savannah to a rabid Liger and train it to attack and then I am going to hunt this moron down and let Lenny (my Liger) go to town on him!  Ugh.

 Anyhow, after today's series of events, I think I need a drink.. and to write this buttmunch a sloppy email of my very own!

Until later..

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