Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mommy Dearest..

It's been a few days since I last posted but I figured I will try the whole "quality over quantity" approach. going forward.. ;-)

Anyhow, my parents have been staying with us for the last month or so and they leave to return to (god awful) Michigan this Sunday and the mere thought of it makes my stomach knot up... At what point do you not "need your Mommy" any more? Is that something you ever truly outgrow? As a parent to two little girls, I can honestly say I hope not. However, this thought then leads me to question what is considered to be a healthy attachment to your parents versus that of someone that is far too dependent for their own good?

I distinctly remember having a conversation when I was nineteen years old with another woman and telling her that I tell my mother EVERYTHING and that I never finalize any big decisions without first consulting her and this woman looked at me like I had three heads (which, for the record, is much stranger than just having two!). She told me that no child should ever be that dependant on their parent and that they should have the ability to make decisions maturely and responsibly without needing to continuously check in with a parent. To some degree, I can see the point she was attempting to make. Although, I think she could have done it a bit more tactfully and with a bit more consideration (don't worry! I called my Mom and told on her!).

My point is that I don't turn to my Mom because I need her to give me instructions on what to do, I turn to her because I see her as my best friend, someone that fully "gets me", and the person (above all) that has known me the longest (hell! she *made* me!)... it is for this reason, that I value her input, her suggestions (not to be confused with directions), and her advice.I don't call her to ask for permission or to ask what I should do, I call her to get her input on the decision I have already made.. but haven't carried out yet (in most cases).  I don't see my relationship with my parents as "too clingy" or "too needy" but I see it as a great blueprint as to how I should raise my own kids (I don't think I came out all *that* bad :-)). Am I the only one out there that still values this closeness with their parents? Perhaps it is a "girl thing" and something that pertains to only mothers and daughters? I have no idea. All I know is, my mother is super close to her mother (and my grandmother is an incredibly poignant, respectable, hardworking, woman so I undoubtedly know why) and I am incredibly close with my own. I can only hope my girls grow to have the same type of relationship with me.

People say I smile too much, I giggle more than most, and I am always very chipper and I genuinely believe it is a result of always knowing no burden is ever truly my own to be had. My mom is my support system, my back bone if you will. When things get too stressful, it is to her that I turn and am able to vent, cry, laugh, whatever... and never is there any judgment, criticism, or guilt for doing so. How many people can say they have that with another being (aside from your spouse, of course!)?? From my experience, not many.

So, if you see me walking by and I have a huge smile plastered on my face, please know it is not due to being delirious, dumb, oblivious, or high; it is because I was raised by an incredibly loving mother (and father!) and I have every reason for doing so! 

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way with my mom, and she the same with hers! Our family is very close, and we love it!
