Wednesday, October 10, 2012

When I grow up...

Sooo... it's been quite some time since I decided to blog (oddly enough I am still 29 years old! *cough cough*) last and I think it is about time to step up my blogging-game. I figure I am too busy to jot down my thoughts, am too frantic to actually remember most of them, so this was the next best thing (you can never be too prepared for that moment when you are 80 years old and wondered what you had for dinner way back on Wednesday, October 10th, 2012... today is the 10th, right?)...Alternatively, I could just do what I have been doing for the last 4+ years and throw tidbits of info, articles, and hair into one giant book for me to "get to later" like I have been doing with my kids baby books (and the award for the "World's Worst Mother goes to...").

I am in a pickle (not literally, although I do love me some gerkin so that wouldn't be the worst thing ever!) as I cannot decide what I want to do "when I grow up" and I have been in my career for a decent stretch up time but am still not certain this is "it". I love my job, I love who I work with, and I love the industry (pharma) I am in but can I see myself doing this twenty years from now (you know, when I turn 49  ;-))? I am not sure. I keep hoping my hubby will land a dream job that pays well enough for me to stop working, hire a personal masseuse named Swen, and travel the world (with my kids in tow, of course... and their nanny!) but I am starting to think that may not happen in the immediate future and I need to find a more likely alternative. Any suggestions? Is there any thing out that that any one that knows me may think I may be any good at? Any one at all? Bueller???

Uh, so back to the drawing board I go...I will sleep on this and get back to you. Until then, I will continue to collect my interesting articles, tidbits of adorable memories, and random hairs to put into my giant book that is still awaitiing some serious organization. I promise one day I will get to it. Really. I will.



  1. Figure out what you love most in life and turn it into a career!

    1. I didn't know they paid for lounging by the pool (with drink in hand!) while reading a book! In that case, sign me up! ;-)
